
In this section we walk through two simple examples, one a standalone project and the other a pair of package projects. These will introduce the basic features of SIP. Other sections of this documentation will contain complete descriptions of all available features.

A Standalone Project

This project implements a module called fib that contains a function fib_n() which takes a single integer argument n and returns the n’th value of the Fibonacci series.

Note that the example does not wrap a separate C/C++ library that implements fib_n(). Instead it provides the C implementation within the .sip specification file itself. While this is not the way SIP is normally used it means that the example is entirely self contained. Later in this section we will describe the changes to the project that would be needed if a separate library was being wrapped.

First of all is the project’s pyproject.toml file (downloadable from here) which we show in its entirety below.

# Specify sip v6 as the build system for the package.
requires = ["sip >=6, <7"]
build-backend = "sipbuild.api"

# Specify the PEP 621 metadata for the project.
name = "fib"

The file is in TOML format and the structure is defined in PEP 518.

The [build-system] section is used by build frontends to determine what version of what build backend is to be used. pip, for example, will download, install and invoke an appropriate version automatically.

The [project] section specified the name of the project (as it would appear on PyPI). This is the minimum information needed to build a standalone project.

Next is the module’s .sip specification file (downloadable from here) which we also show in its entirety below.

// Define the SIP wrapper to the (theoretical) fib library.

%Module(name=fib, language="C")

int fib_n(int n);
    if (a0 <= 0)
        sipRes = 0;
        int a = 0, b = 1, c, i;

        for (i = 2; i <= a0; i++)
            c = a + b;
            a = b;
            b = c;

        sipRes = b;

The first line of interest is the %Module directive. This defines the name of the extension module that will be created. In the case of standalone projects this would normally be the same as the name defined in the pyproject.toml file. It also specifies that the code being wrapped is implemented in C (as opposed to C++).

The next line of interest is the declaration of the fib_n() function to be wrapped.

The remainder of the file is the %MethodCode directive attached to the function declaration. This is used to provide the actual implementation of the fib_n() function and would not be needed if we were wrapping a separate library. In this code a0 is the value of the first argument passed to the function and converted from a Python int object, and sipRes is the value that will be converted to a Python int object and returned by the function.

The project may be built and installed by running:


It may also be built and installed by running:

pip install .

An sdist (to be installed by pip) may be created for the project by running:


A wheel (to be installed by pip) may be created for the project by running:


An installed project may be uninstalled by running:

pip uninstall fib

Using a Real Library

If there was a real fib library to be wrapped, with a corresponding fib.h header file, then the pyproject.toml file would look more like that shown below.

# Specify sip v6 as the build system for the package.
requires = ["sip >=6, <7"]
build-backend = "sipbuild.api"

# Specify the PEP 621 metadata for the project.
name = "fib"

# Configure the building of the fib bindings.
headers = ["fib.h"]
include-dirs = ["/path/to/headers"]
libraries = ["fib"]
library-dirs = ["/path/to/libraries"]

The include-dirs and library-dirs would only need to be specified if they are not installed in standard locations and found automatically by the compiler.

Note that POSIX path separators are used. SIP will automatically convert these to native path separators when required.

The .sip file would look more like that shown below.

// Define the SIP wrapper to the (actual) fib library.

%Module(name=fib, language="C")

#include <fib.h>

int fib_n(int n);

The %MethodCode directive has been removed and the %ModuleCode directive has been added.

Configuring a Build

How should a project deal with the situation where, for example, the fib library has been installed in a non-standard location? There are a couple of possible approaches:

  • the user modifies pyproject.toml to set the values of include-dirs and library-dirs appropriately

  • the project provides command line options to SIP’s build tools (i.e. sip-build, sip-install and sip-wheel) that allows the user to specify the locations.

The first approach, while not particularly user friendly, is legitimate so long as you document it. However note that it cannot work when building and installing directly from an sdist because pip does not currently fully implement PEP 517.

The second approach is the most flexible but requires code to implement it. If SIP finds a file called (by default) project.py in the same directory as pyproject.toml then it is assumed to be an extension to the build system. Specifically it is expected to implement a class that is a sub-class of SIP’s AbstractProject class.

Below is a complete project.py that adds options to allow the user to specify the locations of the fib header file and library.

import os

from sipbuild import Option, Project

class FibProject(Project):
    """ A project that adds an additional configuration options to specify
    the locations of the fib header file and library.

    def get_options(self):
        """ Return the sequence of configurable options. """

        # Get the standard options.
        options = super().get_options()

        # Add our new options.
        inc_dir_option = Option('fib_include_dir',
                help="the directory containing fib.h", metavar="DIR")

        lib_dir_option = Option('fib_library_dir',
                help="the directory containing the fib library",

        return options

    def apply_user_defaults(self, tool):
        """ Apply any user defaults. """

        # Ensure any user supplied include directory is an absolute path.
        if self.fib_include_dir is not None:
            self.fib_include_dir = os.path.abspath(self.fib_include_dir)

        # Ensure any user supplied library directory is an absolute path.
        if self.fib_library_dir is not None:
            self.fib_library_dir = os.path.abspath(self.fib_library_dir)

        # Apply the defaults for the standard options.

    def update(self, tool):
        """ Update the project configuration. """

        # Get the fib bindings object.
        fib_bindings = self.bindings['fib']

        # Use any user supplied include directory.
        if self.fib_include_dir is not None:
            fib_bindings.include_dirs = [self.fib_include_dir]

        # Use any user supplied library directory.
        if self.fib_library_dir is not None:
            fib_bindings.library_dirs = [self.fib_library_dir]

The get_options() method is reimplemented to add two new Option instances. An Option defines a key that can be used in pyproject.toml. Because these Options are defined as part of the Project then the keys are used in the [tool.sip.project] section of pyproject.toml. In addition, because each Option has help text, these are defined as user options and therefore are also added as command line options to each of SIP’s build tools. Note that in both pyproject.toml and the command line any _ in the Option name is converted to -.

The apply_user_defaults() method is reimplemented to provide a default value for an Option. Note that the value is accessed as an instance attribute of the object for which the Option is defined. In this case there are no default values but we want to make sure that any values that are provided are absolute path names.

The update() method is reimplemented to update the Bindings object for the fib bindings with any values provided by the user from the command line.

Package Projects

We now describe two package projects. The examples-core project contains a single set of bindings called core. The examples-extras project contains a single set of bindings called extras. The extras module imports the core module. Both modules are part of the top-level examples package. The sip module required by all related package projects is also part of the top-level examples package.

Again with this example, in order to make it self-contained, we are not creating bindings for real libraries but instead embedding the implementation within the .sip files.


In order to create an sdist for the sip module, run:

sip-module --sdist examples.sip

If you want to create a wheel from the sdist then run:

pip wheel examples_sip-X.Y.Z.tar.gz

X.Y.Z is the version number of the ABI implemented by the sip module and it will default to the latest version.


We now look at the pyproject.toml file for the examples-core project (downloadable from here) below.

# Specify sip v6 as the build system for the package.
requires = ["sip >=6, <7"]
build-backend = "sipbuild.api"

# Specify the PEP 621 metadata for the project.
name = "examples-core"

# Specify each set of bindings.

# Configure the project itself.
sip-module = "examples.sip"
dunder-init = true

Compared to the standalone project’s version of the file we have added the [tool.sip.bindings.core] section to specify that the project contains a single set of bindings called core. We need to do this because the name is no longer the same as the name of the project itself as defined by the name key of the [project] section. The bindings section is empty because all the default values are appropriate in this case.

We have also added the [tool.sip.project] section containing the sip-module key, which specifies the full package name of the sip module and the dunder-init key, which specifies that an __init__.py file (empty by default) is created in the top-level examples package.

We next look at the core.sip file (downloadable from here) below.

// Define the SIP wrapper to the core library.

%Module(name=examples.core, use_limited_api=True)

%DefaultEncoding "ASCII"

%Platforms {Linux macOS Windows}

%If (Linux)
const char *what_am_i();
    sipRes = "Linux";

%If (macOS)
const char *what_am_i();
    sipRes = "macOS";

%If (Windows)
const char *what_am_i();
    sipRes = "Windows";

The %Module directive, as well as specifying the full package name of the core module, specifies that the bindings will use the PEP 384 stable ABI.

The %DefaultEncoding directive specifies that any character conversions between C/C++ and Python str objects will default to the ASCII codec.

The %Platforms directive defines three mutually exclusive tags that can be used by %If directives to select platform-specific parts of the bindings.

The remaining parts of the file are three different platform-specific implementations of a function called what_am_i() which just returns a name for the platform.

We are then left will the question as to how we specify which of the platform tags should be selected for a particular build. For this we need the project.py file file (downloadable from here) shown below.

from sipbuild import Option, Project, PyProjectOptionException

class CoreProject(Project):
    """ A project that adds an additional configuration option and introspects
    the system to determine its value.

    def get_options(self):
        """ Return the sequence of configurable options. """

        # Get the standard options.
        options = super().get_options()

        # Add our new option.

        return options

    def apply_nonuser_defaults(self, tool):
        """ Apply any non-user defaults. """

        if self.platform is None:
            # The option wasn't specified in pyproject.toml so we introspect
            # the system.

            from sys import platform

            if platform == 'linux':
                self.platform = 'Linux'
            elif platform == 'darwin':
                self.platform = 'macOS'
            elif platform == 'win32':
                self.platform = 'Windows'
                raise PyProjectOptionException('platform',
                        "the '{0}' platform is not supported".format(platform))
            # The option was set in pyproject.toml so we just verify the value.
            if self.platform not in ('Linux', 'macOS', 'Windows'):
                raise PyProjectOptionException('platform',
                        "'{0}' is not a valid platform".format(self.platform))

        # Apply the defaults for the standard options.

    def update(self, tool):
        """ Update the project configuration. """

        # Get the 'core' bindings and add the platform to the list of tags.
        core_bindings = self.bindings['core']

As before we reimplement the get_options() method to add a new Option instance to specify the platform tag. Because no help text has been specified the Option can only be used as a key in the [tool.sip.project] section of pyproject.toml and will not be added to the command line options of the build tools.

We reimplement the apply_nonuser_defaults() method provide a default value for the new Option if it hasn’t been specified in pyproject.toml. If it has been specified in pyproject.toml then we validate it. (Why would be want to specify the platform in pyproject.toml? Perhaps we are cross-compiling and introspecting the host platform would be inappropriate.)

The update() method is reimplemented to update the Bindings object for the core bindings with the validated platform tag.


We now look at the pyproject.toml file for the example-extras project (downloadable from here) below.

# Specify sip v6 as the build system for the package.
requires = ["sip >=6, <7"]
build-backend = "sipbuild.api"

# Specify the PEP 621 metadata for the project.
name = "examples-extras"
dependencies = ["examples-core"]

# Specify each set of bindings.

# Configure the project itself.
sip-module = "examples.sip"

Compared to the examples-core project’s version of the file we have added the dependencies key to the [project] section which will ensure that the examples-core project will be automatically installed as a prerequisite of the examples-extras project. SIP will automatically add a similar line to ensure the sip module is also installed.

Of course we have specifed an appropriately named bindings section.

We have also removed the dunder-init key from the [tool.sip.project.section] section.

We next look at the extras.sip file (downloadable from here) below.

// Define the SIP wrapper to the extras library.

%Module(name=examples.extras, use_limited_api=True)

%Import core/core.sip

%If (!Windows)
bool am_i_posix();
    sipRes = true;

%If (Windows)
bool am_i_posix();
    sipRes = false;

This is very similar to the core module in that it implements simple platform-specific functions. The key thing to notice is that there is no need to specify the platform tag as part of the configuration as it is obtained automatically from the installed examples-core project.

The examples-extras project has no need for a project.py file.